WesSpur Coupons & Offers
Our current coupons are great opportunities to save on tree gear or get some WesSpur swag in your order.
Free items must be present on your order for the coupon to work (see below). Limit one free item per order.
Get a free LastBag in $250 orders!
Coupon code: EQPD.
Applies to 22 oz LastBag (BAG272). Make sure to add it to your cart for coupon to work.
Get free bartacked eyes in new climbing ropes! Coupon code: EYESW
Applies to all arborist climbing ropes that can have a bartacked (sewn) eye. One free eye per rope 120' or longer.
Get a Tree Projects 3-poster set in your order of $500 or more.
Coupon code: POSTER.
Applies to the following items: (be sure to add them to your cart, for the coupon to work): The Tree Projects 3-Poster Set.
Get a free t-shirt in your order of $300 or more.
Coupon code: FREE3.
Applies to WesSpur T-Shirts. (be sure to add them to your cart, for the coupon to work and to get the right size!).
Get a bottle of Sap Zaprrr with your order of $75 or more.
Coupon code: ZAP.
Applies to the 16 oz bottle of Sap Zaprrr (be sure to add to your cart, for the coupon to work!)